as promised i wanted to do a little update that mainly updates the UI to contain all RLV Options , Menus and Prefs aswell as RLV floaters , it also contains a little SH fix which adds back environment shiny to Lighting & Shadows shiny , making it a bit more chrome like (like in Windlight without Deferred)
also a little (dumb) bug was fixed causing the viewer to crash because of my new Windlight Edit floaters , because of a missing string (predefined text)...but we already know that LL based Viewers are.... really... hurtable with such tiny things...
also a little update to Beta 5 in general , see it as additional info to the already really big Release Post
Yes i changed the whole Camera Settings , the Presets , where the camera focuses and where it starts at , aswell as its general options , i changed the zoom time minimally , and adjusted the smoothness settings to make the camera smoother instead of doing those ugly hardcuts all the time (exception in build mode)
if you want to change them you can do so in Preferences - Advanced , thanks , thats all....yup im a bit pissed about that
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