NOTE: See instructions below for solutions on reverting settings!
UPDATE: Added Mig´s Linux version , please read the "Linux" part of this Blog down below
UPDATE: Added Mig´s Linux version , please read the "Linux" part of this Blog down below
hai hai :|
lots of changes due to 2 weeks without update
Fixing reverting/non saving Settings:
First of all , this is mostly my fault. The Viewer you unpack is a local copy of the freshly and most up-to-date version (at the moment of packing) you can get , its the version i am/was using , that means you will basically get everything packed up i do have aswell and when i packed the Viewer i forgot to delete my presets with which i tested the save/load preset functions. This function will save ALL your (and mine) settings into a file , one of these settings is a string (a text) that resembles the name of your video card , this string is used to determite what video card you use and therefor what features you can use and which you cant use. Everytime this string changes , you will get a notification on startup that the video card has been changed and therefor graphic settings have been reverted to a default that should be fine for that new card. This is an intended feature and existed for a very long time in ANY Viewer.
Heres the problem:
If YOU load any of my presets , this "GTX 460" string will be set in your current settings. When you´re finished building your settings on top of that preset you will most likely save it again , you will also save that "GTX 460" string into those settings. If you relog now , the Viewer will notice that your video card changed from GTX 460 to X (whatever you got) and will revert your settings , usually you will want your settings back , so you´ll just load them again , causing GTX 460 to be set as your video card AGAIN , reverting your graphic settings on next start AGAIN.Solution:
To break this semi-endless revert issue you will have to delete all my presets (and yours just to be safe). You can find them in:C:\Program Files (x86)\Nirans Viewer\app_settings\graphic_presets
in this folder you´ll have to delete ALL files (DO NOT DELETE THE FOLDER!!!).
now go to:
C:\Users\Niran\AppData\Roaming\Nirans Viewer
delete the "user_settings" folder. This will completely terminate all your settings and clean everything that could still cause any issue like this.
start the Viewer again , set everything you as you want it to be and then save it as a new preset. Loading this preset should not cause any issues anymore.
Heres problem #2 (not saving settings):
You as the User need write permissions for the graphic_preset folder located in:C:\Program Files (x86)\Nirans Viewer\app_settings\graphic_presets
otherwise the Viewer will not be able to save its presets in there.
Solution #1:
Log in to Windows with your Administration User (Administrator) , not your normal User (if you created one)Solution #2 (Not confirmed):
Right-click the Viewer exe and select Preferences , select the "Compatibility" tab at the top and tick the option "Run as Administrator" , select "Apply" and then "Ok" (if you got the rights to do this)Solution #3:
Log in to Windows with your Administration User (Administrator). Right-click the graphic_presets folder and select Properties , select the "Security" tab , in the first list , select your current user and tick "Full Control" on the left side ("allowed" column) and make sure theres a tickbox in every right especially "Edit" , now click "Apply" and then "Ok"Please correct me or tell me any other possible way how this issue can be fixed (if you find any other way) ,
also take a look at:
SLU Forum , reverting settings issue
My SecondLife , reverting settings issue
for more help , please keep in mind that im using a German Windows , some names or tabs above might be labeled slightly or completely different! Please tell me if so.
User Interface:
Changes here , changes there , changes everywhere =D starting with chiclets now beeing able to go from far right to far left (see picture)
ESC will now close Preferences as proposed and requested. Only works when Preferences is open , otherwise it will reset your camera.
I fixed the hide/always hide/deselect options which enabled/disabled each other making some strange combinations hard or impossible to achieve.
Preset saving and loading has been upgraded a bit , it will now save all your settings weither they are default or not and it will overwrite an existing file instead of always adding ".nv" to its name.
A bug that was reported causing the "Set Voice Key" dialog not detecting your pressed keys has been fixed and should now work correctly again.
The Inbox panel in your Inventory when opened became extremly small and was hardly usable , i made it bigger and user resizable.
Inspectors have been revamped because they looked broken and ugly , they should look much cleaner and visually more appealing now!

Lots of code and comments has been removed and or cleaned up aswell as alot of Debug Settings that werent used anymore were removed.
A bug that was reintroduced with Beta merge causing the inability to move an object more than once into the same container was fixed (was also reported by a few people)
Translation and Socks 5 both have been removed from preferences and out of my Viewer code as both seem to be absolutely unusable and/or obselete.
For the other tiny changes please see the changelog at the bottom...
Miguael gave me a link to his Linux version compiled from the source 7 days ago , that means that it is missing some fixes/features , those fixes/features are:
tweaked SSAO shaders and settings for a slighty smoother and less grainy look
enabled Quiet Snapshot to Disk by default
fixed save presets adding ".nv" on already existing presets and made it save all settings
fixed hide/deselect chat options logic
fixed Sidebar appearing on Left side instead of right
fixed IM chiclets not beeing able to move to far left of your UI
removed FPSCounterAsText debug
You can find it below the usual Windows Download.
Heavily tweaked shadow detail and appearance, they should now look like if you´ve set resolution to something like 2.0 , without hitting on performance , blurring also has been reduced a bit and projected lights will now throw much better shadows that dont go all jerky and pixelated that fast anymore.

added missing texture refresh option in right click dropdown on objects
added ability to close Preferences panel via ESC if its open
disabled TCMalloc
disabled Private Memory Pool by default
enabled VSync again for this release
enabled Quiet Snapshot to Disk by default
redone all inspectors including Avatars , Groups , Objects and remote Objects
moved Preferences panel on top of everything else
fixed IM chiclets not beeing able to move to far left of your UI
fixed hide/deselect chat options logic
fixed Voice "set key" dialog doesnt detect pressed keys
fixed inbox panel in Inventory becoming tiny and unresizable
fixed scripted objects not moving correctly
fixed flexis beeing broken and appearing as disks sometimes
fixed slight shadow acne on some camera angles
fixed a bug causing an object not beeing placable into a container more than once
fixed save presets adding ".nv" on already existing presets and made it save all settings
fixed (potential) öäüßè and other labels becoming unreadable crap in german translation
tweaked quick Soundprefs to slide in horizontally instead of vertically
tweaked RLVa Avatar Z Offset feature to allow up to 3 decimal numbers
tweaked some german translations with a more fitting label
tweaked shadows and projected light shadows extremly for a higher detailed look especially on distance
tweaked Preferences panel background opacity slider to allow up to 90% opacity
tweaked SSAO shaders and settings for a slighty smoother and less grainy look
removed obselete FPS bar
removed lots of unused code and comments scattered around the viewer
removed all Translation debugs
removed FPSCounterAsText debug
removed RotateRight debug again
removed RegInClient debug
removed PostFirstLoginIntroViewed debug
removed PostFirstLoginIntroURL debug
removed all Socks5 proxy debugs
removed LastPrefTab debug
removed LocalFileSystemBrowsingEnabled debug
removed LeftCLickShowMenu debug
removed RenderAnimateRes due to non functionality
removed unused old graphic preferences floater
removed Socks5 Proxy and all its features
removed Translator and all its features