Before you continue to the download page you should read the following blog pages, they might answer a lot of your questions before they even form.
Automatic Alpha Masking
Movement Controls
User Interface Tour
You may want to visit the Discord Channel too!
You might want to read the Privacy Policy too if you are into that stuff.
The Viewer requires these Visual C++ Redistributables to be installed:
Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 x64 (MSVCR120.DLL)
Visual C++ Redistributable 2015/2017/2019/2022 x64 (MSVCR140.DLL)
You may have to uninstall them first and then reinstall the latest versions from Microsoft if it doesn't work after installing them.
DO NOT download the Viewer anywhere else other than from these links! The Viewer is ONLY available from here and only for Windows.
This software is not provided or supported by Linden Lab, the makers of Second Life.
BD for Mac anytime soon? Now that Mac has powerful M1 and up chips that can process the rendering needed.
ReplyDeleteYes, please... we need BD for Mac!!!
Deleteyes , that would be amazing.
DeleteYeah that would be nice if they make versions for Mac and Linux :))
DeleteBD is working with Linux / Wine out-of-the-box just fine. I suggest the M1 folks contribute by porting it to their beloved hardware themselves, the source is there. I will help if someone buy me an M1.
Deleteas for Mac... blame Apple for junking support for open industry standards like OpenGL or Vulkan and requiring graphics programming to be done around an API that no major device outside of the Apple ecosystem supports natively. the M1/M2 GPU/RAM being where it is also introduces new quirks that need to be accounted for. No small devteam or solo developer will have the resources to fork into Apple easily.
Deletewe need BD ASAP FOR MAC
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHello, my viewer usually opens as if it has zoomed in without me doing anything, what can it be?
ReplyDeleteI have the exact same problem and nothing seems to fix it.
DeleteZooming in? Care to show a picture/video of what you mean?
DeleteNo, it looks like my viewer is set to a smaller screen than my monitor, I wanted to know how do I set it to a 1920x1080 screen
DeleteYou can simply drag the window edges or click the windows maximise button on the window to maximise it to your entire desktop.
DeleteMaybe you have increased the UI size. Set it back to default.
Deletehello when i download the viewer it shows on my system that a virus was detected: Trojan:Win32/Spursint.F!cl
ReplyDeletefalse positive, ignore and whitelist it
Deletehow do i whitelist it just tried to download n it said virus/threat on it.
DeleteI do not know, it depends on what program is complaining, you're best bet is googling how to do it with whatever program is detecting it as virus.
Deletecan not update says it has a virus for me as well
ReplyDeleteignore and whitelist it
DeleteGenerally NOD32 says there's nothing wrong with the installers Niran publishes, and I tend to trust them to be correct with this
DeleteHello. I just finished downloading the viewer but when I open it, it says MSVCR120.dll was not found and I just bought myself a new gaming PC costing about $1.6k with a 3070 graphics card and all... So please helppppp!!! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteIt reads right up there that if you get said error message you need to install VCRedist 2013. Please read the very page you are commenting on next time.
DeleteLol your gpu doesn't put you at a priority list. Read like we all did. <3
Deletecant not download sayin its a virus :(
ReplyDeletehey can you Put the Link To VCRedist 2013 so people dont have to go looking for it and dont know what they are looking for because im having the same MSVCR120.ll Problem and i have a 2023 brand new gaming laptop also 3070 graphic or put the old links back up from previous versions please
ReplyDeleteI will never put up old releases. They also all require msvcr120.dll (all the way back to Nirans Viewer).
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehey when I want to start up Black Dragon I get the 0xc00007b error
ReplyDeletesays im missing a .dll file , im on windows 11 which one do i download it
ReplyDeleteRead above. It tells you where and which to download.
Deletebut its not working
DeleteMake sure its properly installed then. Go to Features and Programs, uninstall the VCRedist 2013 x64 and VCRedist 2015/17/19/22 x64 and restart your PC, reinstall the latest version from the Microsoft website and then restart your PC again.
Delete0xc00007b error - no matter what i do i cannot seem to fix this
ReplyDeleteYou are missing one of the VCRedists as described above.
DeleteI have all VCs
Deletefor me still dont works
Deleteand I reinstaled them
ReplyDeleteDid you manualy uninstall beforehand? Did you restart your PC? It must work afterwards unless you are doing something wrong.
DeleteDid all thet
Deleteand reinstaled black dragon and it done nothing
Deleteand I done thet 5 times
DeleteVCRedists, not BD. Reinstalling BD doesn't do anything, nothing is wrong with your BD install.
DeleteVC dosent work
DeleteWhat do you mean it doesnt work. Uninstall VcRedist 2013 64bit and then reinstall it from with the latest 2013 64bit from the website
Deletedid black dragon still dont work
Deletenothing I do works for black dragon and I use a softwere to see wich dll are curupted it seys all are
DeleteA software to see what dll's are corrupted? That doesn't sound legit.
DeleteThe software wouldn't even be able to tell if they were corrupt or not.
I'd recommend redownloading the latest release, make sure your browser, antivirus or defender do not block/delete the file, install the latest version and then try again. If you installed all VCRedists correctly it should run, if it doesn't and still gives you an error on startup it means that the VCRedists are not properly installed (or at the very least cannot be found in their correct windows folders where they should by default go)
ReplyDeleteJust wanna say massive thank you for this viewer. Works flawlessly and it feels more fluid to create in second life now. Heartiest thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi, It came up for me as detecting virus in both download areas!!
ReplyDeleteCan't seem to save images using the camera feature. If I try to save to disk, I get an error saying the image can't be found. If I try to overwrite an older file, it just fails.
ReplyDeleteMake sure you have permission to write into the selected save folder, also make sure the Viewer has permission to do so and is not blocked by Defender or other Antivirus apps.
Deletehey everytime i open bd it gets stuck at precaching 77%
ReplyDeleteStuck or crashing? That sounds like your Depth of Field settings need to be reset (turn off Depth of Field or set them back to default)
Deletewhenever i download the one vers of black dragon it keeps loading up the 4.1.1 vers of it. ive done this like 5 times and cant seen to update to the newest one, plz fill me in on some info on how to fix this issue
ReplyDeleteMake sure you download and actually start the downloaded installer, install the Viewer into the SAME folder you have 4.1.1 installed. I'm pretty sure you are probably installing it into a different folder (Program Files and Program Files 86x). You can check where 4.1.1 is installed by right-click "Properties" on the Desktop icon you've got, it will show you the path/target, go delete that (and the Desktop icon so the installer creates a new one) or install into THAT folder.
DeleteHi, I installed the viewer and it shows only the installed folders but not the viewer itself. What am I doing wrong?
ReplyDeleteNot sure what you mean by that, have you tried starting the Viewer? It should create a shortcut on your desktop after installing.
Deletewhy when i install it, try to open.. but dont show the login screen?
ReplyDeleteThe reason for that is most likely explained above on this very page.
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ReplyDeletethe latest update keeps crashing for me on startup
ReplyDeleteFor some reason it's still crashing at 'Initializing texture cache' after uninstalling both redistributables through programs, restarting, then reinstalling and restarting, just keeps crashing / not opening, any suggestions? I've never had an issue like this installing any previous versions of BD.
ReplyDeleteStarting at 5.0.0 you need a clean reinstall. Any leftover files from previous versions will crash the Viewer.
DeleteRedists don't matter, what needs to be removed is the Viewer, all of its files and its cache at the very minimum, you may have to kill your settings too.
hi, please go easy on me im not great at installs.. had BD on my laptop a year or so ago, installed it fine, ive tried to install on new gaming desktop and although the download completes nothing happens when i open it? like literally nothing any help would be appriciated as im an SL photographer and i looove BD tysm
ReplyDeleteSomething might be blocking it? Windows Defender maybe?, You might want to try the alternative if the installer doesn't work. Check the alternative download it should bring you to the google drive folder, you can download the WinRar package there instead of the installer and simply unpack the Viewer into a folder of your choosing.
Deleteanyone know how i can solved that problem with textures? all avatars are grey, and nothing is loading, why? anyone help plis
ReplyDeleteThe viewer opens and closes before reaching login screen..
ReplyDeleteHave you done a full manual clean uninstall and reinstall?
DeleteI have the same problem
I also have the same problem. This is after manual clean install.
DeleteHello Niran. You did a great job with BD, and I love to use it. I would like to mention a few things that I noticed.
ReplyDelete1. Poses that are exported with Pose Creator can't be uploaded to SL. I would love to do that in BD, but so far it is not working for me.
2. If you load one of the previous poses but stop that one and want to start another, you need to relog to start again, or it will move your body to the previous pose when you click that bone, but sliders will be on zero.
3. It would be great to be able to continue working on some saved poses or animations.
4. I am not sure if this is related to BD, but I found that previously adjusted and saved furniture poses in BD are not permanently saved. I need to check if this happens in FS too.
Other than that, it would be nice to have a rebake texture option and an AO holder where we can place our poses.
1. Poses created can already be saved and uploaded, they need to be uploaded with Black Dragon however (other Viewers seem to be incapable of uploading them), make sure you are using the Pose Creator, not the Poser, also make sure you are using the latest version. There were several versions that corrupted them.
Delete2. A reset is planned.
3. Reimporting saved animations/poses is already possible, that's what the import feature is for.
4. That's not something BD has any control over. It's a well known issue with SL in general. Crashing or otherwise making a non graceful exit will result in changes (especially avatar ones) not being saved. Rezzed items occasionally have this issue too although as far as i remember that's just random server issues.
5. Rebake/Reload was once a feature, it got broken and i haven't reimplemented it since then, it is planned though.
6. A clientside AO is akin to FS is not planned. LL needs to give us access to the serverside AO functions that LSL can so we can build an efficient and fast AO that doesn't need some sort of communication relay (bridge) and doesn't rely on ping, until then i won't be implementing a clientside AO.
I am not sure if this is the right place to put questions or suggestions. I couldn't find any tutorials or videos talking about Pose Creator and making animation in BD. All are about photo settings or live Poser.
DeleteI am using two versions, 4.3.2 and 5.1.0. I prefer 4.3.2 because of the few very important Tone Exposure and Shoulder Strength settings that I couldn't find in version 5.1.0. I hope those settings will be integrated into the new version.
I created some static poses with Pose Creator in both versions and imported them with Black Dragon. Everything works well until I stop the animation. After stopping the animation, the body is deformed, and I need to reset the skeleton and animations, but sometimes that is not working, and I need to relog. What I do is put one keyframe on each bone. Some of them I adjust, and others I just lock with a keyframe. To Pelvis, I also add position. It looks like one of the four spine bones is making the body deformed after stopping the animation.
A suggestion would be to automatically put the first keyframe on each bone when you start animating your avatar, so it can lock the body. I would need to do it manually anyway to prevent unused bones from moving.
The other question is about making more complex animations. How do I set the duration for each keyframe, and is it possible to make a timeline to set the keyframe at the desired position in time? What I got with two frames and setting them to last longer is that one frame takes all the time, and then the other frame cuts in shortly.
I haven't played SL for some time, so my viewer was uninstalled, today when I decided to return I installed it according to the instructions above and even so there has been an error :( when I open the program in the login area at the same time it closes... I remember that This happened in the past when I installed the avx version
ReplyDeleteYou need to manually clean uninstall and reinstall the Viewer. 5.x is not backwards compatible, any leftovers will crash the Viewer.
DeleteHello Niran
ReplyDelete1. Do you know why the body stays deformed after stopping the animation made in BD? I explained the process in my previous post, but I guess that you didn't see it.
2. I can't find Tone Exposure and those settings in the newer version. Is that still available in BD?
No more light reflections on water ? I can't see it in this version.
ReplyDeletefor some reason black dragon crashes anytime i capture images in 12k, also pictures not as sharp when i save to my gaming laptop, any idea as to why?
ReplyDeleteYour laptop can't handle 12K sapshots.
DeleteFor some reason I can't find the option to make a new folder? Has it been relocated or am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteNever mind I was able to find it. Also, do you have any plans on letting us protect folders? I tend to accidently move things and ultimately lose them in another folder so I'd love to see that feature incorporated!
DeleteBody stays deformed after Black Dragon made poses. It is a pity that such a good tool is useless. Is there a way to fix that?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean stays deformed? Stopping the animation and exiting out of the creator should revert any and all changes to the original, there is also right-click reset skeleton.
DeletePoses are made and exported in and with Black Dragon. All bones are selected during creating process and a keyframe was added to each to lock them, otherwise they would freely move. Once the pose is done and played inworld it looks good, but after stop, it looks like some spine bone is deformed and I need to reset skeleton and animations, but the other problem is that reset is making change only for you, others still see you deformed. I did them in several versions of BD and the result was the same.
DeleteThis is nothing specific to BD, this is simply how bones work. Bones, unless animated will simply stay in whatever position/rotation/scale they were previously in. Normally all basic bones are animated by base LL animations or your every day AO so they always move. ALL additional bones from Bento (such as the extra spines, wings, legs etc) they all will stay rotated/deformed if you ever animate them. This is how animations always worked and is the reason undeformers existed (although they are really bad and really just deform you again in an attempt to put bones back into their default position/rotation). This is why we got Reset Skeleton in the first place. Sadly Reset Skeleton is indeed local but LL possibly wants to make it serverside, apart from that others will see you fine if they did not witness you being deformed and if you leave their network sync range you will receive a new "copy" of someone's avatar meaning you will look normal again, back then these were boxes that would teleport you far up (aka visual cache clearers), you can obviously do the same via teleporting up or away or simply going far enough away from someone.
DeleteThanks for such a detailed reply. Yes. the only way for now to deal with it is to reset and tp somewhere else. I wonder why normal AO poses that I use are working fine without deforming the body. After I change or stop them the body returns to normal AO pose. Is it related to pose extension (format) or I should not edit some spine bones? What I usually do is locking them all with a keyframe, except sectors that are not for human body, like tail sector.
Deletei try to update black dragon , it wont let me and i cant download it
ReplyDeleteIt wont let me isn't exactly discriptive, did you try a different browser? Did you try the alternative links?
Deleteanyone else having issues with water? newest update and my water cant seem to reflect or be sheer see through is there a fix coming never had a problem with the old
ReplyDeleteMake sure Reflection Probes, Screen Space Reflections and Transparent Water are enabled. Also make sure the waterlight preset you are using actually has a texture for the water waves.
DeleteUsing Parallels to run the program on Mac via Windows 11, no previously downloaded versions of Black Dragon. Keeps crashing at "Initializing texture cache." Is there any possible fixes for this issue?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHi! so i am trying to download black dragon to my windows PC but everytime i click " Proceed to download the viewer here" a new window pops up saying " DEPLOY IN PROGRESS, please try again in a few minutes or Please contact your GitLab administrator if this problem persists." so please help me its been saying this for 4 days now
ReplyDeleteUse the alternative download, gitlab is dead. Everyone switched to github now.
Deletethank you so much!
Deletenow my last question is do i download all 3 files or just the recent file?
DeleteI have tried the download from google drive and the primary link and for some reason the install doesn't work. It asks for permission to be ran when I click it, but then it just vanishes. Other .exe files work fine. I'm not getting any notifications or warnings about my antivirus or anything stopping it either.
ReplyDeleteAny help would be greatly appreciated.
No idea honestly, downloaded and tried to make sure. Maybe try the alternative rar file and extract it yourself to the install folder
DeleteSame issue I and I don't know where the install folder is. Idk what else to do but go back to an older version I have but I cnt see pbr on there
DeleteIt's whereever you selected it to be on install. By default C:\Program Files\Black Dragon
DeleteI'm having the same issue. It installs but then the program just doesn't run and closes. Super weird; never had an issue after years until now.
ReplyDeleteif it doesnt start up its broken most likely from leftovers of an older version, do a full manual clean reinstall, delete everyhing, make sure you do it manually the uninstaller is not enough
DeleteOk, thank you! Will try this, have a good day.
DeleteUnfortunately the versions since 5.2.0 crash with "The procedure entry point CreateFile2 could not be located in dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll" on Win7.
ReplyDeleteThat being said - if the viewer is not supporting Win7 no more, please update the requirements at least, if it still does - the current build has some dependencies that renders the viewer unrunable on Win7/8. On top of that - there are no versions present I can roll back to at the downloads page.
DeleteIs it possible to add editing of several avatars to the poser and not just your own? I really need it!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, im not allowed to tho.
DeleteI tried compiling Black Dragon from source for Mac. Not for the feint of heart. And not for me, it seems
ReplyDeletehello , i am a former black dragon user i recently just re down load black dragon to my computer but for some reason as soon as i login it kicks me right back out every time i login . can you please tell me how to fix this issue