
Black Dragon is MY Viewer, i decide which feature i want to add and which to remove, i share this Viewer to show the world that user base size is not important, i do rate quality by effort, thought and love put into the project, not some rough estimated numbers. I consider feature requests only if i you can name proper valid reasons i can agree on. It is my (unpaid) time i'm putting into this project, i'm not here to cater to every Joe's desires.


Q: I get an error message when starting the Viewer.

A: Install VCRedist 2013 x64 and VCRedist 2015/2017/2019/2022 x64 from Microsoft.

Q: The Viewer does not start and does not give me an error message.

A: You installed the AVX version and your CPU is not up to the task for it, go install the regular version instead.

Q: Do i need to do a clean install with updates?

A: Generally, no you don't. Unless you are updating from versions years ago or you run into problems

Q: My camera doesn't rotate around when i hit A or D (Arrow Left or Right)

A: Check out the Movement Guide and how to change your keybindings how you'd like them: https://niranv-sl.blogspot.com/2022/09/black-dragon-guide-movement-controls-20.html

Q: Does Black Dragon have a built-in AO?

A: No. It won't ever unless LL adds it first and does it by giving us access to the LSL provided server side functions.

Q: Some of my objects, specifically buildings are partly invisible, i can see their wireframe when selecting them but they are completely invisible otherwise.

A: Their surface area is too big causing them to be automatically derendered. You can go into Preferences - Display - Performance and change the  Max. Object Surface limit to something higher or "Unlimited". Note that this will make you more susceptible to possible graphics crashers. (if they still exist that is)

Q: Some of my objects show weird alpha behaviour, they shine through other objects or flicker in front or behind others or shadows look pixelated on them.

A: These surfaces use a texture that uses the alpha channel, this flags the surface as alpha and will be treated as such causing all kinds of issues, your best bet is to set these surfaces to Alpha Mode - None / Masking if they don't need any alpha (like windows)

Q: What are these single-color pixelated people and why can't i see my friends?

A: They are called Jellydolls and are here to improve your performance by reducing people with too much complexity to a minimum to save resources in order to improve your performance. You can change the settings when to jellydoll someone either by right-clicking them or by going into Preferences - Display - Rendering Options - Jellydolls.

Q: Why are so many people jellydolled or why do i get kicked from places due to complexity where i previously didn't get kicked.

A: Black Dragon uses a different complexity calculation that is more accurate at determining which avatars/objects are resource wasters and which aren't, by default the complexity calculation seen in other Viewers doesn't give a damn if you are packed with quadrillions of polygons and use more texture memory than Ark: Survival Evolved needs harddrive space (~120gb), it will show you as super optimized regardless and instead punishes optimized avatars for an ever so slight mistake many times more by showing them as resource wasters.

Q: I'm getting crazy colors after closing Black Dragon how do i fix that?

A: Update the Viewer.

Q: How do i update the Viewer?

A: Go to the blog: https://niranv-sl.blogspot.com/ and follow the download link on the right side.

Q: I'm generally having X Y or Z issue not answered here.

A: First update the Viewer, make sure you are running the very latest version. The Viewer is updated semi regularly, sometimes every week, sometimes two weeks, sometimes once a month, check the blog to see when new updates are released or check out the Discord #development channel for news on that. If you are still having the same issue after updating the Viewer try clearing your cache and settings, if that doesn't help you might want to tag me on Discord: @Renamon#3435 and report the problem.

Q: How do i install the Viewer?

A: You follow the download link, download the viewer package for your CPU according to the pre-download page (either AVX or normal) and double click the package, select a path for it to be unpacked to and then start the newly created (or old) desktop shortcut.

Q: How do i uninstall the Viewer?

A: To uninstall the Viewer you currently have to delete the Viewer folder, Cache folder and Settings folder manually, these are located in different locations, some of them only reachable with some basic knowledge.

Viewer directory is where you installed it, you can right click -> preferences on the desktop shortcut to check the path to find out where if you forgot it.

Cache directory is located here if not changed: C:\Users\PCUSERNAME\AppData\Local\BlackDragon

Settings directory is located here if not changed: C:\Users\PCUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\BlackDragon

You can get to the appdata folder either by enabling "show hidden folders" in your Windows explorer settings or by typing %APPDATA% into the search bar at the bottom of your Windows start menu and hitting enter.

Remove the BlackDragon folder in all 3 locations and you should be fine, this procedure is also needed for a clean install.

Q: Where do i report bugs?

A: Either on Discord in the #bugreports channel or directly to me via inworld IM. You can find me inworld as niranv.dean (Amethyst).

Q: Where do i suggest new features or changes?

A: Same as above except in the #suggestions channel. Please don't suggest features from other Viewers and don't try to talk around it, i'll find out. Generally speaking, does Firestorm have it? Then its a straight up no.

Q: Where can i find this "Poser"?

A: Navigate in the main menu (Dragon) to My Useful Features - Poser.

Q: How do i find out my/other's complexity in this Viewer?

A: Navigate in the main menu (Dragon) to My Useful Features - Performance Tools. There you'll find the Show avatar complexity information entry to show the usual complexity numbers above people's heads. If you want a more sophisticated and detailed version of this you can use the Advanced Complexity Information window to see a detailed report about all attachments of everyone and their individual weights. It's a full on breakdown on the calculation.

Q: How do i disable the head/eyes following my mouse cursor?

A: You can find the options to change/disable these features in Preferences - Camera - Avatar Tracking Options. There's one for eyes and head.

Q: How do i reset options?

A: The UI has a neat little feature for that. You can right click any slider or spinner to reset them back to their previous value. You can also CTRL + Right Click them to reset them to their default value coming with the Viewer. Good for testing out stuff. Note that this feature does not work on very specific sliders that work as a group, such as "Shadow Resolution", "Shadow Distance" and a bunch of the Tone Mapping options, use the [default] buttons for those.

Q: How do i disable group chats?

A: You can't. Please pester LL about it. All you can do is reduce them to simple tabs without popups. In the future you might also be able to close them all with one click.

Q: How do i hide my LookAt?

A: See this official article on how to do it: Second Life - Show LookAt

Q: I get a black screen when starting the Viewer, i can hear the music playing.

A: You'll have to:
● Cleanly uninstall and reinstall your graphics drivers. 
● Cleanly uninstall all 2013 and 2015/2019 Visual C Redistributables and reinstall those coming with the Viewer.
● Remove the entire Viewer installation folder and reinstall the Viewer to make sure there are no leftovers from previous versions.
You might have to do all of them or just one. Note that the last one should only apply if you are updating from previous versions.

Q: Why does my Avatar keep spinning?

A: This is because your plugged in controller is not perfectly in resting state (this is a fault in all controllers), this tiny input is bigger than the default configured deadzone thus triggering movement. Solutions for this are either:
● Disabling avatar movement in Preferences - Camera - Flycam Configuration 
● Raising deadzones to include this slight drift  
● Turning off flycam 
● Unplugging your controller.

Q: How do i only render my friends but not everyone else?

A: You need to do a couple things in Preferences - Display:
● Set Max. Avatar Complexity to "Potato".
● Enable Always Render Friends.
● Make sure Max. Avatars Visible is set to at least 1 (otherwise it will disable jellydolls) preferably higher.

Q: The Viewer crashes while logging it at around ~70-80%?

A: Turn off Depth of Field or reset the Depth of Field settings, turn down or off Depth of Field when you are done next time to prevent this from happening.

Q: I can't see something or objects are vanishing

A: A couple things could be the culprit:
● Make sure Max. Objects Surface in Preferences - Display is set to "Unlimited".
● Make sure Object Quality in Preferences - Display is set to at least High (might need Ultra)
● After all above, teleport away and back and see if the objects reappear.
● If it's your avatar that is missing parts, detach and reattach them.

Q: How do i fix the weird shadow lines everywhere?

A: The latest graphics drivers are bugged, you will have to roll back to a previous version to fix this.

Q: The installer is showing an error that "vcredist" cannot be found, where do i get that?

A: You don't need to. VCRedist is a package that as described above is something you should install anyway, previously the Viewer came prepackaged with it and automatically silently installed it when installing the Viewer, this has been removed (for now) but i forgot to remove the start command for the VCRedist installers from the Viewer installer. This does not impact the installation at all and can be safely ignored.

Q: How can i fix my Inventory not fully loading?

A: This can happen due to many reasons and it is not guaranteed to be fixable but the most effective way of getting it to load it clearing the cache, relogging to a different, empty and fast region and typing something into the Inventory search filter to give it an additional kick. Changing group tags is also known to be a magical "refresh" button for a lot of things and might be worth a try.

Q: Why do i crash on high resolution snapshots (previous versions didn't do this)?

A: As the Viewers are further developed they are being optimised, optimisation often comes from saving frequently used data (called caching) and reusing it, which takes up memory. Do this optimisation in enough places and the right things and we can quickly accumulate many hundreds of megabytes of extra memory usage to keep said data cached. This in turn can tip over a snapshot that previously worked to result in an out-of-memory crash. Settings and scene have a great impact on this and resolution can easily double your current memory usage, we are speaking multiple gigabytes. 

Q: Why does my camera flip around when i right-click?

A: You are using the Viewer with or through a tool that modifies or breaks onscreen coordinates, this confuses the Viewer. Such tools include TeamViewer and any/all remote desktop tools that may be available, make sure you do not run the Viewer through TeamViewer, Emulator or any other tool that isn't directly your original, properly installed main OS. This may or may not include emulation for Linux/Mac.

Q: Why is the lighting so blown out since 5.0?

A: This is the new legacy sky auto adjustment feature which auto-corrects several color and contrast values to accomodate for the missing reflection ambiance in your windlight. Old skies are not fully compatible with PBR, they need to be updated, that's why LL added this. You can turn this off in Preferences - Display since 5.0.1.

Q: Where's RLVa?

A: Gone. It has been removed due to longstanding issues, lack of updates and incompatibility.

Q: Why are my lights flickering / turning off on distance?

A: This is due to the new Max Lights setting which was implemented by Linden Labs, this setting is initially set to 8 lights maximum due to the GPU autodetection presets defaulting to low on Black Dragon. To fix this go to Preferences -> Display and set Maximum Lights to a higher value, recommended is at least 256. You can also find the Debug setting as RenderLocalLightCount


  1. Hey
    thats amazing, nice view, congratulations.
    I was searching for a function to desable LOOK AT. I explain: I like to use my zoom (alt + mouse) but I doesn't like that people can see where I am looking. How I disable this?
    Thanks for your time
    Felipe Heuser

    1. There is no option to do it for very special reason, although you can do it manually.
      You can take a look at this wiki article and find out how to do it.

  2. Just downloaded Black Dragon, and I'm loving it so far. I'm having trouble though with the Edit window, when working with prims, specifically their texture. The window is different than what I'm used to, so I'm kind of lost on it's interface. I don't see a spot to change the colour of the prim I'm working on. Forgive me, it's only been a few days, so I'm still learning the whole viewer. Can you help me with where the colour option is?

    1. The color swatches are found right below the texture selection, there's a little (by default white) bar that is clickable which will open the color selection.

  3. ok goin nuts here.. mesh ass and mesh boobs both fitmesh neither will rez in.. help please

  4. I just downloaded Black Dragon after having problems updating Second Life on my computer.

  5. Hi, love the viewer but for some reason menus for furniture does not pop up. Is there a setting?

  6. Does it have an AO as we have in Firestorm ?

  7. Hi; am trying out Black Dragon, but have one problem that is stopping me: in other viewers, the camera is always behind the avatar; in Black Dragon, the camera seems to always point in one direction unless I pause, manually turn the camera in the direction I want to go, then continue walking. Is there something I'm missing, a setting I haven't flagged correctly, or is this the way it's designed? Thanks for your help!

    1. Its how the controls are designed. It was explained (again) in the second last (from this posting) update blog post here:

      A and D are strafe left / right now, so is arrow left and right. What you are looking for is rotate left / right which are now bound to Q and E. You can rebind the keys in the keybinding tab. Follow these instructions:

      Press the trash icon for all 4 actions: rotate left, rotate right, strafe left, strafe right.
      Now rebind them to whatever you want them to be (probably A/D or Arrow Left/Right) by clicking the [set key] text to bind a primary binding or [set alt] for a secondary binding. A popup will open, press any key you would like to bind and confirm with "Bind".
      If you did everything right your controls should be like they are in other Viewers.
      There's a default button at the bottom of the panel to revert everything in case you break something.

  8. I just downloaded and installed for the first time, and I'm lost on one particular thing, why other avatrs don't rezz or show in different colors (grey, blue, orange, red) until I right click on them and choose "render always"?

    1. The download page should have given you a few links that send you to the blog posts explaining the latest major changes, including this one.
      You can read about it here

    2. The default settings are 12 avatars rendered and not always the ones you want.

      You can change that up to 50 somewhere in display preferences.

    3. That does not really help his "problem" with the Avatar Rendering Complexity feature.

  9. So far amazing except for one thing....terrain shows up nothing else does.....shadows but not my house or furniture...or is it something I did in the settings thanks

    1. Enable Deferred Rendering as said in the blogpost.

    2. I'm having the same issue even though Deferred Rendering is enabled :( This is what I see at Apple Fall currently http://grabilla.com/0640a-fa41f8d1-d372-4cc4-92c4-dd1181812a9f.png

    3. Deferred is clearly off.

      Your hardware does not support shader level 2 Deferred Rendering. I'm working on a workaround.

    4. deferred is on and it looks like this :( http://grabilla.com/0640d-ba96f549-9426-4ed8-9fa4-15269b54987e.png

    5. Thanks for your help though!

  10. I can't find out about the Debug setting window.

  11. Dragon - Advanced - Show Debug Settings

  12. Just discovered this Viewer. Awesome work. I love it. No problems at all. To me this Viewer is Very beneficial, since I'm into photography I especially love the "Machinima-Sidebar" a lot. Keep up the great work. <3

  13. how do you hide the chat pop ups from appearing on the screen

    1. Preferences - Chat Options, scroll down, select Flash or Don't Do Anything for those types of chat you don't want to appear anymore.

  14. Hello, recently on Black Dragon this viewer seems to suit me but I like to shoot (fraps) the only problem is that I can not remove the toolbar as well as the hud in order to be able to shoot in big screen ,how to do?
    Thank you in advance

    1. Ctrl + Alt + F1 to hide/show the UI.
      Ctrl + Shift + H to hide/show the HUD.
      These are default controls and should work in all Viewers unless they have changed them (Firestorm probably did).

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I'm sorry I meant to attach this example of the shadow issue. Thanks.


  17. Ok one more question please. Group chats are popping up as people start a chat. I click on the group profile, and there is no way to stop the chats from popping up as someone starts a chat. Is there anyway to stop that from happening. It is very frustrating having to close the chat all the time. Thanks again. :)

  18. Would it be a big job to create a version that will connect to an opensim server, I would love to see the difference your client would make to some of the amazing opensim worlds that are out there not to mention running my own opensim server and being able to build to my hearts content without space being an issue

  19. I did look around a bit and don't see that this has been asked before (but it probably has, so... sorry to repeat!). Do you plan to ever do a Black Dragon viewer that works for any of the OpenSim grids? Your viewer is AMAZING and I am loving it in SL, but also do a lot of building in Kitely and other grids for cost reasons and would love to take amazing photos there too. I totally understand it's just you doing all this work, though. Just thought I'd ask!

    1. It has been asked right above you, the answer is however that there are no plans to make it OpenSIM compatible again. It would just require undoing a tiny little change that allows you to use shortcut - start commands to connect to other grids but i'm unsure if that would be all that is needed for full OpenSIM support.

  20. Hello .. Good night. good I'm having problems with blackdragon startup always when I log in it crash and my settings are stronger than the recommended and my internet is of great quality 120gb wanted to know what I can do to be able to solve this problem I've done everything and the continuing problem

    1. This could be a multitude of issues.

      Try cleaning your settings or your notifications.

      Other than that you could send me your log file to investigate.

  21. Is there a teleport history feature in Black Dragon?

    1. Yes. All Viewers based on LL's have it. It can be found in the "Places" window.

  22. Will there be an Opensim version?

  23. Hey Niran, is it possible to detach the ui floater menus off the viewer and onto a 2nd monitor? If not, can it be implemented in your viewer? -Fade

  24. Using the latest viewer and play chat animation will not stop. I've disabled it in Preferences but it still plays. I've tried disabling via Debug settings, same result. I've reinstalled the viewer with new user settings, still plays. I've done a character reset and removed all HUDs and still it plays. Any ideas on how to fix this. I've never had this issue before. It's not happening when I've tried other viewers, only happens with the latest Black Dragon viewer.

  25. using the latest viewer, for the past couple of months when I log out. my screen gets all pixelated and I have to reboot

    View Sonic screen

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz (2808 MHz)
    Memory: 16192 MB
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 18362)
    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2

    Windows Graphics Driver Version:
    OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 399.07

    Window size: 1920x1017

    I didn't have this issue in the beginning, I have crash my desktop, due not being able to see anything on the screen, sometimes it will go straight black and still need to reboot Any suggestions?

    1. Download the latest version, it has been fixed already.

    2. I am on "Black Dragon" (64bit) is that still the wrong version? I went to the download page and downloaded the latest and my screen is still getting pixelated

    3. is not the latest at all. is the latest. Thats still a few versions to go. You sure you downloaded the latest (3.5.3)? There is only two versions available, the super old 32bit version and the latest 64bit version (in two different types for new and old CPU's)

    4. Hi NiranV this is what I downloaded https://gyazo.com/b7496b0a4b741615f5930c0220518935
      just below the one that says download respository. extracted the one in gyazo, I extracted it into the folder and this is I still got the https://gyazo.com/488a12c76e10e8873814e63ebbc8e266. Am I looking at the wrong place to get the download I am sorry to be a pain

    5. You have to install the downloaded version afterwards, preferably into the folder you already got the previous version installed into because it seems like you installed one of them into another folder different from the default installation folder.

  26. i have uninstalled /reinstalled the black dragon viewer and still getting the old version. this is the version https://bitbucket.org/NiranV/black-dragon-viewer/downloads/BlackDragon_64x_AVX_3.5.3.exe. I made sure I haven't installed it in a folder on my harddrive. Sorry I am at my wits end here

    1. As said make sure you are actually looking at the right one. You might have multiple versions installed in different folders.

      Or install it into a completely seperate folder you create yourself, open said folder and check that one.

      Should this still not work i can offer you live help via Discord.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I like this viewer BUT! I can’t turn on the do not show your camera focus to others (how to do it???)

  30. Hello ! it's me again (how can I turn off the standard animation play voice talk)

  31. Hey there, I just wanted to ask - Would it be possible to compile this for Linux out of the box, or are there dependencies that are windows-only?


  32. Hello, I have a problem in this viewfinder, when I approach the camera to my avatar certain parts darken like the hair or lips of the avarar. :(

    1. A: Make sure you're using the very latest version 3.7.3. There was a bug with lights vanishing when sitting due to draw distance it might be related to that.
      B: Make sure you have shadows enabled, i heard that disabling shadows can cause all kinds of issues.

  33. I'm having an issue where a lot of other people avatars are one solid color. I've pushed the 'avatar complexity' up all the way, unless there is some other settings that I am missing??

    Screenshot of my settings and the issue I am having:

    The only help I can find else were is just people telling other to ask the official support group. Is there an in world support group? I found A LOT of "Black Dragon" groups, but... I'm pretty sure most of them aren't related to the viewer. So I have no idea if there even is an official help group or not.

    1. Everyone you keep seeing as jellydoll despite setting the complexity setting to max simply has more complexity than the option allows you to set conventionally, you'll have to set it down to 0 (infinite) to turn it off to see everyone, this will have huge negative impact on Viewer performance though.

    2. Thank you :)
      and yes, I am aware it might have a negative impact on performance. :)
      But so far with the new settings everything is ok :)

  34. JustSovereign's 'CasperSafe Security Orb 1.43' is causing me issues now at sims where installed while using Black Dragon. On FS, my complexity is showing at 55K but on BD at 500K so I get booted."
    You are not allowed in this area (Avatar exceeds the render wieght limit (ARC is 500000, limit is 350000)). You have 20 seconds to leave.". I'm now banned from one club presumably believing me to be a griefer. The issue seems to be this orb is detecting the extremely high complexity system used in BD and not that used by other viewers and yes I know that's borked but if this orb or others like it proliferate, BD will become unusable as will result in constant bootings from sims. What can be done?

  35. I should have just said 'CasperSafe Security Orb 1.43' as the name before is an owner at one club...

  36. I can not accept objects sent from CasperTech! I always have to visit the store’s place to find the recovery sign, maybe you can tell me at last how to take objects into the inventory (even when I see a message that the delivery is in progress, I press accept and nothing happens)

    1. You can't if they came while you're offline. Offline object inventory offers are well known by LL to not work and get lost. Linden Labs is working on the issue.

  37. Hi NiranV I can not disconnect notifications from "all" messages when the viewer is minimized, and on the Win. panel. the icon blinks he already infuriates me lol

  38. i need major help.. everytime i try and take a picture i have red and blue lines around my avatar or the backdround and it looks all funky, i uninstalled black dragon and reinstalled it and its still the same. is there anyway i can restart everything?

  39. NiranV, I apologize if this is a stupid question, I didn't want to bother you with it but I can not seem to figure it out. I have attempted to use the camera presets but it's not changing based on them, they are each set to their defaults and I have tried a fresh install, I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong. It seems stuck on the view facing mid back. (This is not regarding the controls I love the strafing.) Just would like my movement camera a bit higher and it seems like the preset isn't working? pls help <3

    1. You select a preset to switch to it, then make modifications to it, which should automatically create a local copy of that preset if its a system preset, otherwise you edit the selected custom preset. You can also create a new one by typing an unused name and clicking "New Preset" which will default to a basic Rear View preset and allows you to change it to your liking as well.

  40. Hello NiranV. The screen view has changed to a very large size, making it impossible to operate correctly with the viewer. How can I set the view back to normal size?.Thank you and best regards

    1. I assume you mean the Interface size due to Windows 10's stupid detection thingy. You can change it in Preferences - Display, right in the first section you'll find the option to change the UI size, you'll want to change that to Normal (if it isn't) or small (if it is) and then switch it back to normal. You'll need a restart inbetween or check and uncheck Borderless window to make it change.

    2. Thank you very much for the help, could you tell me some tutorial o how can I contact you to obtain a good general configuration of the viewer, since my language is Spanish and I do not understand some of the things

    3. The best way is to contact me directly via Discord since i'm always online and it makes sharing stuff and pictures a lot easier.

  41. buenas noches ,una pregunta no soy capaz de que funcione el voice en black dragon sabes cual puede ser el problema muchisimas gracias

  42. Holas, oye me gustaria saber una cosa, me habian contado que el black dragon podia estropear mi tarjeta grafica es cierto eso? gracias de antemano

  43. Hello, hey, I would like to know something, I had been told that the black dragon could damage my graphics card, is that true? Thanks in advance

    1. Whoever told you has no idea how computers work and has even less knowledge about what this Viewer actually does (pretty much nothing more than the official Viewer does if you compare both with the same settings).

  44. Hey there i'd like to report an error for black dragon viewer, I have windows 10 on my new desktop but whenever i finish downloading and try to open the viewer i get an error message that reads: "The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCR120.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem." i have tried re installing and downloading the visual C++ files recommended but nothing and the error message still comes up

  45. I downloaded Visual C ++ Redistributable 2013 and Visual C ++ Redistributable 2019, but I get an error and cannot download it.
    I and my friends have the same problem as amy

    1. What exactly does the error say?

    2. Thank you
      These two will be displayed when you download Viewer.
      However, even if I uninstall or repair and download again, the same display appears again and I can not download Viewer.
      I also downloaded it from the Microsoft page on the download page, but the result is the same.
      This phenomenon is the same for Japanese friends who are using Windows 10, and she cannot update it either.
      Please tell me more if you know about it :'-(

    3. I downloaded the latest version 3.9.2!!
      My friend also downloaded it!The download was successful and it started!XDD
      Your help saved my life…thank you very much!!
      Thanks a million!!I can’t thank you enough!!
      I love blackdragon !! I will continue to support you!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. unable to loggin use to be able to 2 day ago now i am getting loggin fail

    1. Yea SL has been having issues, try a different region, i had this too.

  48. Is there a way to save the camera view position so I can come back later and continue work on a photo?

    1. There is. You can find the menu entry and shortcut in Dragon - My Useful Features - Shortcuts.

  49. I'm varutina who talked about the error of Visual C ++ Redistributable 2013 and Visual C ++ Redistributable 2019 before!
    From that later update, my Japanese friend and I have the same error again;(
    This display does not disappear even if I uninstall and install it.

  50. Hello, I updated Black Dragon to a new version and encountered the fact that the viewer shows a black screen, and music is playing in the background. How do I fix this?

    1. Delete the Viewer folder completely, reinstall the latest version (make sure there are no leftovers). Make sure that you have an AMD or NVidia GPU (force the GPU to be used if you are using a laptop), otherwise your GPU is not supported.

  51. Hello, I'm having an issues with objects disappearing. I see them fine from far away but when I cam closer they disappear. I noticed in the FAQ there was a mention of Jellydolls, but I do not see this in my settings. Please help.

  52. Hello, I have W10, so I did after the error message, according to the instructions: "Should you get an error message on startup and you use Windows 10 you'll need to head over to the Microsoft website and download the latest Visual C ++ Redistributable 2013 and Visual C ++ Redistributable 2019 package ", but the installation does not continue - I have the same problem see above written by Eyes Kirschtaria alias Varutina (Tuesday, February 23, 2021), please help. Thank you :)

    1. If both have been installed you shouldn't be getting an error message on Viewer startup (because it means one of those two are missing). The Viewer will also always show the installation of both required redistributable packages, regardless of whether you have them or not. They are not required to be installed (you can cancel out of them) if you already have them installed and the Viewer is starting.

    2. Thanks for the reply, I know you have a lot of work to do with the new version.
      Yes, that's right, I understand that, but the browser does not continue to install.
      Pavel Stransky

    3. Now it's OK, it was my fault.
      Pavel Stransky

  53. Hey, returning to second life after a long while, tried the other viewers and this is by far the best. Coming from a gaming background I love the control scheme. Not looked too deeply into it yet but is there a way to use the mouse in the same way but without having to hold down the right mouse button? Maybe a toggle instead of a constant hold?

  54. Hello, I need some advice. I am able to save images to my inventory, but when I select save to my computer, it says "Failed to save to computer," no matter what settings I change. What causes this, and how can I fix it? Thanks.

    1. This can be caused by insufficient permissions to write into the selected folder, make sure you select a folder that the Viewer (and you the user who is using the application) has the permissions to write into. Select "Save As" and choose a different folder.

  55. please help! i've just downloaded black dragon the regular version and i will not open for anything. so i tried the other version an it wont open also. im confused because i don't get an error message or anything for trying to launch them. all i will get is a small loading icon when i click on the application icon then it'll stop. it never loads up. please help. i really would like to use the program. Niran if you can Discord me @ jaydenwolf#9531

    1. I'm unsure how to help in this case, if both versions don't bring up an error then i have no idea what the issue could be other than maybe a missing file (that does not directly cause it to throw an error). Open up the WinRar with Winzip or 7zip (or specifically with Winrar via right-click Open with WinRar) and look into the archive, make sure that all files found in the archive are also in the installation folder after installing.

  56. when it starts up i get intel graphics card detected performance may be affected. how do i fix that?

  57. Hi, I can't find a way to kick or ban users in any of the menus. Can someone tell me how to do this using the Dragon viewer? BTW I love this viewer, it's become my primary one to use!

    1. Assuming you mean from a region, right click the person - manage (i think its called) - kick/freeze/ban etc

    2. Kathryn MoondancerTuesday, October 05, 2021

      Thank you!

  58. I have just recently started running into problems with the black dragon when I log in. For some reason it will only allow me to get to 79% of precaching then it will just closeout. What do I need to do to fix this problem? It just now has started.

    1. P.S I have already uninstalled and reinstalled, and it continues to do this.

    2. Disable depth of field or reset its settings.

  59. Been using Black Dragon for years recently had a problem where none of my furniture/trees/anything I rezzed besides a select few which is my skybox. I uninstalled and reinstalled tried resetting my settings and nothing seems to fix it :c

  60. good morning, when the normal 4.0.3 version will be released my 4.0.2 version doesn't work well.

  61. I do love Black Dragon to play SecondLife. But since I downloaded my avatar doesn't stop walking. What to do in this case? I opened SecondLife with Firestorm and the avatar doesn't walk by itself without stopping. But as soon as I open Black Dragon everything starts again.

    1. Same as the rotation issue, configure or disable (unplug) any controller you have.

    2. Thanks for your reply. I had a G29 connected to my pc and after I unplugged it, it does work normal now.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello, my name is Dafne and I play Second Life. I would like to inform you that the viewer is showing some bugs after the last update. Is there any date for a fix/update? The bugs are: Loading of items, such as hair, backdrops, decorations, etc ... Waiting for an answer ... Thank you !

    2. That's not a Viewer bug. It happens in all Viewers all across SL. The only known workaround is teleporting away and back.


    1. Teleport away and back. It's a known SL issue.

  64. Hello, does anyone know how to put the normal colors because my BlackDragon displays my avatar as well as my buttons and my entourage in a bluish filter? Please

    1. Update/Downgrade your drivers, its a known SL issue with certain AMD drivers (apparently there were a very select few on NVidia too but in both cases updating should help)

  65. i love this veiwer already but im not sure what im doing wrong, i cant seem to build the option is grayed out along with some of the other options in the menus.

    1. I don't know exactly right now what disables build other than the region not allowing it but that sounds like you are not allowed to build. You should still be able to open Build through right-click Edit.

  66. Hello
    I am having an issue now when use BD. Can't open many stuffs at my inventory, looks like folders are empty. Where I can clean cache inventory at BD, please?

    1. Preferences - Viewer - Viewer Folder Locations

  67. Thank you Niranv. I did what you said but i can't open my itens at my inventory. Looks like they disappeared when I am logged at BD. When this happens at Firestorm I do "clean cach inventory" and it is okay. At BD this option I don't know how to do it and still i have this issue.At others versions at BD this never happened. Thanks in advance for your reply ♥

  68. Hello NiranV Dean,

    In the version 4.1.0 the object view is not working for me (windows11) while in version 4.0.6 no problem at all. What kind of setting must I adjust. Did twice clean install and went back to older version.

    Thank you for taking the time.


  69. in other viwers we have combat mode in mouse look when we click the left mouse button in mouse look mode the avatar would activate collision in fighting systems here in BD do we have that too?

    1. There is currently a bug in 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 that prevents mouseclicks in mouselook from triggering scripted left-click actions, it will be fixed in 4.1.2. I Don't know anything about a "combat" mode though.

  70. Hello, I have a problem that I have caused, a while ago I was trying to take a photo with blur, and the settings were so abrupt for my pc, that when I open black dragon everything freezes, I already uninstalled it and reinstalled it, but the configuration continues being the same, so I have not been able to use it, any solution for this?

  71. will there be a version for mac one day ? :(

  72. Hello. I have always loved your viewer and was wondering why it can't be used on opensims. That would be awesome to be able to use it there. Thanks.

    1. Because i don't support OpenSIM, to fully function it requires a lot of extra work that i can't do (I do not use OpenSIM).

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. hello im not sure the correct words for theses stuff.."hover" ? but can we have the possibility to dont them to appear ? https://gyazo.com/763792fcd9c8896bf73bb0da7be2e333 thank you (myrthae999@gmail.com)

  75. Hello there, I've been absolutely enjoying BD over every other viewer, to the point where I strictly and only use BD. I run a shop and frequently have more than 1 viewer open (such as controlling other bots/accounts for demo stands), and I've been encountering a super troublesome issue. Anytime I open a second viewer and login, the sound is messed up on the original viewer that was already open. Either it completely lacks all sound, or in-world sounds continue to produce but not viewer sounds (button clicks or IM pings). Additionally, when logging out and closing the 2nd viewer, original sound is not restored on the first viewer. This happens every time I open and log into a 2nd viewer, where the original viewer loses some or all sound, which is not restored upon the 2nd viewer closing. I've multiboxed on Catznip and Firestorm without issue before, and it ultimately changes nothing as I will still use BD regardless, I am just wondering if this is a known issue and if there's any fix for it? I am fully up-to-date, freshly re-installed as well, cache cleared, my own drivers updated, and vcred redownloaded. I've also tried muting one of the two viewers, which does not have an effect. Thank you for providing BD to the public, and I look forward to any info.

  76. Hello! I'm trying to disable my LookAt beam, as instructed in the wiki article (https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Show_Look_At), but when i try to save the xml. file it just says that the access to it is denied. What can I do?

    1. Save it into a different folder, then manually copy and paste the new file over and replace the original this circumvents the permission issues.

    2. That worked :D thank you!

  77. Just got the newest version and now getting used to the settings, did the Tone Mapping section got removed completely or just moved/renamed to something else? Same with the Gamma channel sliders, can't seem to find them anywhere. Thank you in advance

  78. Using Parallels to run the program on Mac via Windows 11, no previously downloaded versions of Black Dragon. Keeps crashing at "Initializing texture cache." Is there any possible fixes for this issue?

  79. How can I disable the music when the viewer starts?
    I hate autoplay music in software!!!!

    thx ^.^

  80. So I've uninstalled and reinstall both redistributables and black dragon, it will bring up the startup tote then does nothing, but a previous version I've installed elsewhere works fine
