
Black Dragon is MY Viewer, i decide which feature i want to add and which to remove, i share this Viewer to show the world that user base size is not important, i do rate quality by effort, thought and love put into the project, not some rough estimated numbers. I consider feature requests only if i you can name proper valid reasons i can agree on. It is my (unpaid) time i'm putting into this project, i'm not here to cater to every Joe's desires.

Friday, June 6, 2014

It's nearly update time.

Now is your chance! Tell me all suggestions, bugs and other things on your mind you want to see fixed for the next update, i compiled a list of ALL already done changes in my new 'Changelog" tab (on the right side of this website), please go there, read it, read it ALL (just the pack of course) and tell me anything you found broken that isn't listed there. All my changes are green, yellow, purple, red and blue and all Linden changes are pink and separated into a second, huge changes pack below my changes.



  1. It would be wonderful if you would fix streaming music doesn't auto-start when you log-in or tp to a new region. I guess its arguable about what 'allow media to auto-play' option applies to but the other viewers (ok, official and *cough-splutter* firestorm) do auto-play the music stream. In the last two updates (i think its the last two) the play button doesnt work for me, I always have to click 'start all' to get the music stream going.

    Thanks! V

    1. The play/stop button is indeed bugged i can confirm that (just tested). I will have a look at it.

      Autoplay tho works as expected. I enabled Media Autoplay and teleported to a SIM with media and it started the music stream right away, this is an issue either on your side or with the media plugin breaking on some SIM's (even in LL Viewer)

    2. Fixed media toggle. Added it to the changelog.

      Additional info on auto play:
      I had a few more tries and sometimes it didn't seem to work, not sure if the audio stream wasn't running at that moment as it sounded like it just started when it worked a few minutes later. Also auto play ONLY works on parcel AUDIO not MEDIA. Media is separate and will not auto play unless it is on a prim and set to auto play, given you also enabled auto play as well (your auto play overwrites the auto play of media on a prim, disabling your auto play disables auto play on all media's on a prim for you)

    3. its parcel audio i'm tryng to get to auto-play, not media. i dont ever have any problems with other viewers so dont think its a general problem with my system. It used to work, i've really got no idea why its stopped. I've checked every option hoping it might be some option combination but nope. when i tp the old audio stream stops and the new one doesnt start. the media toggle button still thinks its playing but it doesnt play until i click start all. hey ho, may be a fixed toggle button will solve it for me - thanks for fixing that :)

  2. umm i have a few suggestions,area search not there, maybe more toolbars, and photo effects

    1. Area Search:

      More Toolbars:
      Why? You got 4 already isn't that enough? Also where should another toolbar go, there is no space available.

      Photo Effects:
      CTRL + Shift + S (Snapshot shortcut) -> Filter drop down, select a filter and press refresh.
      Additionally there are Godrays, Motion Blur, Vignette, Color Correction, Tone Mapping, SSR, Greyscale, Posterization, Sepia i really don't know what else you want.

  3. maybe offer some presets in the visual area near color correction and tone mapping settings, maybe putting in a drop down menu, for folks that aren't so good at the whole machinia look and feel. it was in your last viewer i wanna say, where you were able to save presets and graphical settings when it come to the Color Correction,tone mapping and whatnot. would love to see it brought back in Black Dragon

    1. Messages always come through they are just not shown because they need moderation to prevent spam, until then all your comments are invisible.

      Niran's Viewer had the ability to save and load all your settings at once, not just graphic settings but also all others, the problem with this is that it was very hacky and easily caused a lot of problems which is why i haven't yet re-implemented it, i might add some presets tho.

    2. ohhh okies, gotcha. ^_^ thanks for giving my post a look over, fingers are crossed for the presets tho. XDDD

  4. The keyboard hotkey for a new inventory window hasn't worked in some time now. I'd love to see that make a comeback.

    I also miss the feature where we could see what the LL defaults were for settings like light bloom (glow), so we could revert to those if necessary (when designing environments, I like to work with the bloom settings most visitors are going to experience.

    Parcel media/music wasn't playing for me in the version I'm currently using (3.7.5 (31492)).

    As far as additional features I'd like to see some tools other TPVs implement which make building easier.

    * Anything that makes it easier to copy/paste coordinates/sizes would be welcome.
    * Being able to toggle the rotation centre for a linkset between the object and its individual parts is practically mandatory for complex building projects.
    *The ability to delete all scripts in an object is a must when confronted with an object with many unnecessary scripts scattered between its pieces.

    1. The keyboard shortcut for a new inventory window was fixed. I'm sure i have listed it in the changelog.

      My Viewers never had a feature allowing you to see LL defaults it just had values behind each slider which showed the Viewer's default, not those of LL. I can't even show the LL defaults because i don't know them. I would have to look up every option in the Linden Viewer's settings.xml. You are probably better of doing that yourself than me bloating the Viewer with another one of my hacky save/load preset-like features and possible breaking it very badly for people who don't know what they are doing.

      Parcel Media is a thing we will have to look into when the new update is released as it works for me here.

      About your suggestions, all except the rotation suggestion are things you should by now know that i won't implement these, otherwise i would have done it long ago already. They are absolutely not needed for building anything of any size, the rotation feature is just as useful as Qarls aligning tool. It's either absolutely not useful or it is very useful. It's a very situational feature that might come in handy only a few times. I will have a look at it later maybe.

  5. I don't know if this has already been suggested, but I would really like a windowed fullscreen option.

    1. Yea. I would love to have that too. Isn't easy tho if not totally impossible without completely redoing how the SL Window works.

  6. I need to know how to do a clean un-install of blackdragon, I have blackdragon currently installed and it does not show in my list of programs and features. I can find the folder in the file location, but deleting that doesnt completely uninstall. I would like to do this before I do the update.

    1. Delete the Cache folder, Roaming folder and Viewer folder itself, that should purge everything.


  7. I don't see where the change log is so I hope none of this is repeated but, I would like to be able to see what song is playing in local. And a way to see the sim name/coordinates with its permissions shown....and the favorite landmarks. Oh and the ability to use the built in browser. I'm a ware not a lot of people like it...but its great for getting on MP fast. You might say no to all this...but eh, was worth a shot lol

    1. Sim Name/Coordinates and Permissions are already in the next update, favorites as well. Build in browser can be accessed via the main menu. I'll take a look about the song name thing.

  8. I just found the changelogs lol

  9. Thanks Niran

  10. Just adding a "me too" to the song playing request =)

  11. The chat system that was in nirans and also maybe a drop down menu for address bar and whatnot which has been removed with the new UI


  13. It would be nice to see the hiding your cross hair feature added just like firestorm has and a few other 3rd party viewers :3
