
Black Dragon is MY Viewer, i decide which feature i want to add and which to remove, i share this Viewer to show the world that user base size is not important, i do rate quality by effort, thought and love put into the project, not some rough estimated numbers. I consider feature requests only if i you can name proper valid reasons i can agree on. It is my (unpaid) time i'm putting into this project, i'm not here to cater to every Joe's desires.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Black Dragon 64x - Update 3.8.6 "Enhancing Dragon"

And more bughisses and feedback stuff.

Editors should now display the preset name you are working with (again), inventory presets are listed in the presets dropdown (again), an RLVa crash was fixed, the RLVa restrictions window finally displays restrictions again (after many years), the group join fee shouldn't be cut off anymore and the some wonky behavior with the RLVa camera preset should now properly behave again.

If you still find yourself unable to change the camera presets you most likely either have something attached that has taken control of your camera and forces your camera into a certain position, which might block presets and more likely you are being blocked by the RLVa restriction @setcam, which prevents you from switching camera presets or alter them. In both cases you should deattach everything. EVERYTHING. Not just your HUDs, absolutely everything. However before you do go into the RLVa menu (Dragon - RLVa) and select Restrictions and check whether a restriction to your camera is applied via @setcam and which object is doing so (it will display the name if its an attachment or the UUID if its something inworld). In the case of an RLVa attachment you'll have to detach it and relog unless you can toggle the @setcam restriction somewhere in said attachment, i doubt it though.

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