
Black Dragon is MY Viewer, i decide which feature i want to add and which to remove, i share this Viewer to show the world that user base size is not important, i do rate quality by effort, thought and love put into the project, not some rough estimated numbers. I consider feature requests only if i you can name proper valid reasons i can agree on. It is my (unpaid) time i'm putting into this project, i'm not here to cater to every Joe's desires.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Black Dragon Viewer 64x - Update 5.3.1 "Scaling Dragon"

 Whoopdiedoo and here we go.

Lots of fixes especially for that sky editor crash several people have been having. Looks like that was actually two different crashes in one package!

Also new options such as Voice Noise Suppression, new Tonemappers (Reinhard and Filmic are back!), Contact Adaptive Sharpening, Antialiasing Quality and a Voice Visualizer option to toggle of the voice "dot".

No idea still on the camera zoom crash but i added some logging in hopes to get a lead as to where its crashing. If you are crashing due to this please send me your log file so i can take a look, hopefully this will net some results.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Black Dragon Viewer 64x - Update 5.3.0 "Scaling Dragon"


Well here we are, back again at it. People have been crying for an update (people actually want to update?). So, here we are, merged with the latest Linden code and on par with the "ForeverFPS" release that came out a week ago, armed to the teeth with support for 2k PBR Terrain, which should complete 2k resolution support and a billion crash fixes (probably also a billion new crashes), most notably a fix for crashing when adding someone to the group banlist. 

Now i don't know if the changing the view angle still crashes or if that has been fixed too (since i cannot reproduce it) but i suppose we'll see. So if you still crash on changing the camera angle (zoom in/out) please let me know, i have some ideas how i could get to the bottom of whats happening.

Either way, this release also comes with some new options, options to set the Tone Mapper as well as how much it is mixed into the final image, both of these options did not work in my testing, so i don't know what's up with them.... but they are there, maybe they need some other setting to work... i really don't know, i'll have to test these options in the Linden Viewer, they are not yet supposed to be surfaced. Also an option to limit texture resolution... because 2k textures are really big you know.... we can also now choose between FXAA and SMAA antialiasing. Honestly in all my years i've played games SMAA has always been absolute trash, costing more performance (sometimes 2-3 FPS) for what looks essentially like no AA at all, i'd still recommend FXAA over SMAA any day but it is there if you want it. Lastly an option has been added for "Vintage Mode" which turns off some advanced PBR rendering things internally which can improve performance (if the description is to be believed), if you are having issues with performance this might be worth a try. All of these can be found in Preferences - Display as usual.

I'd also like to say sorry for the long silence... a lot has happened... and its not doing me any favors, the last few months have been very stressful and involved a lot of extra work keeping me busy all day to make up for the low patreon amount, which meant i had little time to work on the Viewer. Whenever i get around to make another update video (which has been on a long backburner too) i will most likely not be able to hold myself back and will want to talk about this, so expect it to be a long video, unless i manage to cut it shorter somehow.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Black Dragon Viewer 64x - Update 5.2.2 "Mirroring Dragon"

Happy New Year.

Quick update, just fixing some issues that cropped up. Selecting bake regions for textures should work again, the german UI hopefully shouldn't crash anymore... again.... and uh... that white line thingy in windlight... you know in certain windlights... yea that thing that goes across the entire screen... that should be fixed too.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Black Dragon Viewer 64x - Update 5.2.1 "Mirroring Dragon"

 Just a quick little update.

Fixing some crashes... and some more crashes... and some issues with the build tools... did i already mention the crashes? Oh and of course the Poser list should now list you and all animeshes properly and immediately again without requiring five quadrillion refreshes and a sacrifice of your unborn.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Black Dragon Viewer 64x - Update 5.2.0 "Mirroring Dragon"


PBR Terrain,
2K textures,
performance improvements,
even more performance improvements.

You name it. We got it!

Sorry for the long delay... a lot has happened, financial troubles with Patreon slowly dropping forcing me to take on comissions to make up for the missing moolah to keep the lights on. When i get around to record the update video i'll talk a bit more about this and explain the situation. In the meantime, enjoy this update that has been WAY too long in the making.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Black Dragon Viewer 64x - Update 5.1.3 "Birthday Dragon"

 Happy Birthday to me!

Also one year ago is when i released 4.3.2, the last pre-PBR update. Coincidence? I think not!

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Black Dragon Viewer 64x - Update 5.1.1 "Probing Dragon"

Did i not release a 5.1.0 blogpost? Wow.

Anyway, here is 5.1.1 and it brings a good chunk of fixes for a lot of your issues! Yay!

NOTE: Make sure you fix your light count setting as instructed in the video, also CLEAN INSTALL the viewer, that means MANUALLY deleting everything in the Viewer folder and then installing the update, this gets rid of leftovers and ensures you get the same Viewer as everyone else. (Looking at you people that still have unsupported language files)

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Black Dragon Viewer 64x - Update 5.0.4 Beta "Probing Dragon"

First update of the year! Aaaand its just a quickfix. Hopefully this time fixing the startup crashes for real. Oh yea also the light brightness option works again...

A big update is coming later. Prepare for more glorious PBR breakage.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Black Dragon Viewer 64x - Update 5.0.3 Beta "Probing Dragon"

Quickfixing some startup crashes for some people.

Nothing to see here.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Black Dragon Viewer 64x - Update 5.0.2 Beta "Probing Dragon"

Merry Christmas Everyone!

This one's a really small update, i got sick (Covid) over the course of this month which almost threw a wrench into this update. Nevertheless here's an update to adress some critical issues.

Most importantly textures for some people shouldn't stay gray anymore because they for some reason disabled HTTP Textures (probably accidentally through the menu), but also the HDR options in the sky editor are now there and the texture scale spinners in the tools window will no longer reset and break. Shadow resolutions should now also work fine again (wohoo).

(Possibly no update video) *sad face*